info@lpntutoringservices.com0411 711 824

FAQ for Tutors

  • Why should I apply to be a tutor here?

At LPN Tutoring, we value not only our clients but our tutors as well. We are understanding of individual circumstances and compromise to ensure that our tutors are performing at their best standard to give students the best education they can receive from us. We would love to see you make an impact to the future and let you know that you are a catalyst for change; through learning, persevering and nurturing. 

  • How much will I get paid? 
This will depend on the number of students, subjects, and other factors that are to be discussed confidentially after submitting your expression of interest. 
  • What happens if I am not available? 
Let us know as soon as possible so we are able to arrange another tutor to substitute or contact the carers of the child to inform them ahead of time that a class may not be running.
  • Can I choose my availability?
Yes! We will do our best to match your availabilities with the availabilities of our clients to give the best teaching experience for both you as a tutor and to the child. 
  • Do I have to know how to drive to apply? 
Driving is highly advantageous and preferred as it will enable more opportunities. 
  • How many subjects can I teach? 
Depending on what the assigned student(s) will be requesting and your knowledge in these subjects, any of English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and/or Science are options.
  • What qualifications are required to become a tutor? 
We are looking for tutors who have finished VCE and/or individuals who have experience in teaching/tutoring. You must also have a Working With Children’s check which can be applied online. In addition to that, we are looking for highly motivated, dedicated and enthusiastic individuals looking to make an impact on the next generations to come and to give these students the best opportunities in working towards their goals.